Small story – About my father # Rubber band inside his stomach

I would like to share this with you all to create an awareness when we eat packed foods like biriyani, street foods where they use rubber bands, stapler for parcels. This is about my dad Annamalai.  He is 78 years old and resides at my home town – Pudukkottai.

Now the incident. He met with an accident in Sep’2021. On Sep 04th, @ 7:30 PM he went to buy his dinner by walk. Rainy season, slippery road. He is an ex-service man. So he follows the laws/rules properly. Used sidewalk in the main road and walked slowly with Umbrella. There was a pothole (Credit goes to our CWD). He tried to avoid, hence moved to extreme left. The auto behind him also tried the same. Unfortunately he was hit by the auto front bonnet. Dad fell down. Then the auto man and his friends took him home. Dad thought that he could be normal after sometime. So he patiently waited for an hour and monitored his leg. Unfortunately, his left leg swollen and pain increased. He had immense pain when he tried to move. Then he was taken to the hospital, so called the best one in that town.

He was admitted and they had provided first aid. Took X-ray and found that the Head of Femur is broken in the left leg. Decided to do a surgery on Sep 07th due to ortho doctor’s unavailability till then.

He ate 3 idlis on Sep’5th, morning. After that, he couldn’t eat and even sip a spoon of water. All time vomited which was in blood red colour. And there was no bowel movement. His stomach bloated. Measured 121 cm and luckily he didn’t have breathing issues. Also no other complaints other than BP. So doctor suggested for nasogastric intubation as a first step and tried to treat medically. However the stomach size was fluctuated between 104cm -124 cm.

Meanwhile, a major ortho surgery – Hemi Arthroplasty Bipolar (replaces the head of a damaged femur with an implant designed to stabilize the femur and restore hip function) (pic 2) was done on Sep 07th.

However the stomach issue still continued. Taken CT and diagnosed as Stomach Abrasion (Pic 4). He was referred to a gastroenterologist to a different town- Trichy which is 50 km away.

Booked an ambulance, a standard matador van with all the facilities. After 2 kms of travel, there was a smoke from the ambulance engine. We 3 (me, my mom and dad) were stuck in the mid of highways. The driver booked another one which was a Maruti Omni Van and a small one. We were dumped inside that with no ventilation. After we had crossed 5 kms, the door in the patient side opened up. And it didn’t lock properly. So we were holding my dad and the stretcher till we reached the hospital. After 15 mins, the stretcher was unlocked and it was moving front and back. Those are all scary moments. Finally we had reached that hospital.

In Trichy hospital, they took vitals of my father and then asked for the operative report from the previous hospital. But those guys said that they didn’t have the habit to provide any operative notes and provided me only the operation name to share it with the doctor. But people here didn’t agree. We were really scared what will happen if they don’t admit him. Luckily, one of the duty doctor (specialist), was about to leave for the day. Then he had diagnosed, admitted in ICU. He said that we can try medical treatment first. Until then there was no physiotherapy treatment.

The next day, after all the diagnosis including multiple scan and x-rays they said that the stomach bloating can’t be treated medically and should go for surgical. Because, the scan report said that there was a liquid for 3-5 cm inside the bowl and the intestines were obstructed. So physicians had decided to go for another major operation called “Exploratory Laparotomy” (performed with the objective of obtaining information that is not available via clinical diagnostic methods).

This surgery happened on Sep 11th, 2021. In the surgery, they had identified “a small kink/elastic band which is a small piece of rubber band ” was inside the small intestine. This agitated stomach obstruction and stopped bowel movement. Second, appendix was also grown. It was also removed. Third, cleaned those liquid. Took the intestine out, washed and draped and kept inside the stomach. He was convalescent with the help of Antibiotics, Albumin, Blood insertion, drugs and medicines. This 78 year old man had undergone 2 major surgeries within 5 days. By god’s grace he had managed the tough phase.

Because of 2 major surgeries, he had developed Delirium (Delirium is an acute issue where the patient has a rapid change from their normal mental status to severe confusion and sometimes agitation. This can be caused by around-the-clock care, such as in the ICU, lack of orientation to days and nights (these patients should be in a room with a window whenever possible), or severe illness that requires lengthy hospitalization. A patient with delirium is often more alert and oriented in the morning hours and then worsens in the evening or at night. Treatment is provided based on the cause of the issue). He was moved from ICU to ward on Sep 17th. Meanwhile, Ortho diagnosed that the ortho stitches were oozed. This was because of lack of sterilization at the time of surgery. He said that if ooze didn’t subside then there could be one more operation to clean. Fortunately, it was stopped after serum dressing.

After 12 days of starving, father finally started his liquid diet. Then rice liquid. He was become stable. Delirium became null due to Psychiatric drugs. Then discharged on Sep 23rd. Couple of follow ups. Gastro surgery was healed and he is alright. Taking proper diet but less quantity. Appointed a physiotherapist and god’s grace my dad started walking with the help of walker inside the house.

But it didn’t stop there. There was a finding in the Ortho 3rd follow up. Myositis Mass seen on the operated area. This is because of improper sterilization around the operated organs at the time of surgery. This is a very rare case it seems. He said that this shouldn’t grow and can’t reduce now. Dr had suggested a medicine. May be the growth can be arrested.

We couldn’t be happy that dad is back to normal. This should subside and shouldn’t develop anymore symptoms related to Ortho or Gastro surgery.

Please be careful while eating outside. Handle plastic covers, elastic band in the kitchen carefully.

Thank you for your time reading the incident!!

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-Author: MM

Published by YK

!!Passionate blogger!!

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